Sunday, February 13, 2011


I've seen trends come and go. Many of them fit into the category of cool, hip, relevant, etc. Steampunk however, is all of those and then some. It is practical use of yesterday's technology to popularize today's technology.

Things have kicked up a notch or so now.

Starting on May 6th thru May 8th 2011, the town of Waltham, Massachusetts is going Steampunk.

Need I suggest that if you are in any way, shape or form a Steampunk geek, that you point your train, car, truck, motorcycle, company jet, steam boat or dirigible in the direction of Waltham Mass in early May and move out smartly?

Just as a follow up (can you do a follow up this long after the original post?) If the whole Steampunk thing interest you, you should check out this site, One of my favorite places to dream because I don't have the time to do anything but window shop.

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